Thursday, September 16, 2010


 UNIV 112 assignment about giving up technology for a day

I will not use Facebook. I will not use Facebook. It doesn’t matter if he commented on my status or if she likes my picture. Anything they post on my wall, they can tell me in person. I will not use Facebook. If they’re in a relationship today, they’ll be in one tomorrow… well, probably.  I will not use Facebook. No need to poke back until tomorrow. I can comment twice in the morning, if I need to. The videos will still be up, and if I didn’t know them well enough to know it was their birthday already, they probably won’t notice if I comment a day late. I will not use Facebook. If they’re going to chat me, they have my number. If they don’t have my number, they don’t matter that much anyway. I will not use Facebook. They won’t withdraw the friend-request if I take a day to respond. Maybe, I’ll seem busy and more interesting, if I wait. I will not use Facebook. The events won't be over. The groups will still exist. My inbox won't erase and my notifications won't disappear. Status update:   
Mary Searls "will not use Facebook."............ oops.


  1. Haha I really like this post! It was really creative and it's exactly how I am feeling today. I am a self-proclaimed Facebook addict and I gave up Facebook today. Basically, any time I had alone or to myself, I had the exact same thoughts running through my mind. Honestly, I almost gave up a few minutes ago! But you're so right, the comments, likes, pokes, and wall posts will be there tomorrow morning. Sometimes I wonder what I did before Facebook. How did I keep in touch with my friends?! I think Facebook is a great tool, but also it can definitely be a hinderance.
    -Lindsay C.

  2. This reads like a poem. I love it. It was an extra original way to voice the feelings of most of our generation. I, too, failed to go twenty-four hours sans facebook (but my blog about it wasn't nearly as nifty).

    I like everything you've got posted actually. All your writing's got so much voice. It's super enjoyable. =]

  3. XD that last comment was from Sarah R, btw

  4. thanks guys!
    I had trouble figuring out how to go about this one, so I'm glad you liked it!

  5. I gave up facebook as well. It's so funny that it's something we all check SO frequently, when everything you said is true - if its really THAT important, they'll call you, or tell you in person. It's just become another thing entrenched in our daily lives that now it's extremely difficult to not use it.

  6. I really like the style of your post. I tried to give up Facebook and also failed. I would have probably succeeded if my math teacher wasn't so boring. You could tell that you used your own writers’ voice which made it awesome.

  7. Maryyyyy, :)
    I chose to not use facebook for a day also. I promise it was probably the most uneventful and boring day of my life. I will NEVER do it again. This was pretty entertaining to read and funny, especially when you accidentally updated your facebook status!

  8. haha yeahhh facebook and i just can't be apart like that :)
