Friday, September 24, 2010

Just Write

            They all look at me, dumbly, as I go on about the literary worth of a poem whose title I can no longer remember. I’ve loved every minute of it. It starts out as a slam poem with poignant line-breaks, raunchy humor, and conflicting morals and ends with an internal dialogue between a man and the invisible angel and devil on his shoulder. This is a good poem. This is my kind of poem. I finish my spiel and look around the conference room at impatient faces, waiting to criticize. An awkward silence passes, then- “I didn’t like it.” “Definitely in the NO pile.” “There was too much in it.” “Not enough in it.” “Just bad.” Same thing happens with the next poem, and the one after that, and the short story, and the essay. What I like, they hate. What I hate, they adore.
What is this?! This is supposed to be my thing. I’m the writer and the editor and the English fanatic. And I’m good at it! So, why is there a table of senior staff members biting their tongues at my critiques? Am I losing it? Do I really not have any literary taste at all? What about my writing? Oh, God, my writing. Am I that bad??? They are going to edit my submissions, next week! This is not okay. This is not going to be good. Can I take them back, before they see them? Maybe I should just stop and quit, now.
            Snap out of it! You were the editor, last year. The editor, damn it! You know your stuff! You have a reputation to uphold. This is the dream! This is what you do. This is who. you. are. Screw the magazine and they editors and the critics and red pen and and the cross outs the NO pile and write. Write and write and don’t stop for anyone or anything. This is how it’s done. They’ll love you, or they’ll hate you… just as long as they feel something. Just. Keep. Writing.


  1. "Better to write for yourself and have no public than write for the public and have no self." I don't remember who said it, but they are words to live by. always always always!!! =]

    I worked as the submissions editor for my high school literary magazine for two years, and remember submissions debates with... little fondness. Granted some of our worst disagreements were over artwork, our second worst were about poetry. It's awful subjective, the dissecting of poetry, isn't it? Because poetry isn't just meaning and style centric like prose. It's meaning and style and structure and sound centric. Sometimes actively bad grammer is okay in poetry - intentional. Sometimes the meaning is totally unclear, but the words are so beautiful it doesn't matter. Makes me glad sometimes that I've never felt like being poet. I'm a prose writer through and through, and I don't miss the creative writing class days of forced poetry writing and interpreting.

    But not to sound too ungodly negative. I wish like hell that I had time to get involved in the literary magazine here. I missed the creative magazine process when I was at Shenandoah. Alas, maybe next semester.

    -Sarah R

  2. i like that quote a lot!
    well, the lit mag here just once a week. Thursdays at 10. Usually less than an hour.
    Let me know if you're interested, and I can ask about new people joining
