Friday, October 8, 2010


College assignment.... Writing about a character who loves a job that you would hate to have.
Something I might want to revisit.

Most people don’t know what it’s like to feel wanted.
Really wanted.
To have every crease and dimple highlighted by blinding fluorescent lights
and gleaming beads of sweat, with almost nothing to hide yourself behind.
To be exposed for everything that you are and still be craved.
There is nothing to help you pretend- no forced conversations
no scripted pleasantries.
Just you.
They watch your every movement like hungry dogs, salivating,
but all you see is, how much they love you
no matter what you may have done
or who you are.
They need you
There’s something exhilarating about them
wanting to touch you and have you
but knowing that they cant.
You lean so close to let them, teasing
Giving them a taste of the unattainable
You are the one who gets away, every time.
They will come back for you,
And you will be remembered.


  1. This to me, expresses the real simplicity of true love. Most people think it's something full of complexities and difficulties, but once they achieve it they realize it's one of the most natural feelings they've ever experienced.

  2. I need to go back and fix this... I was going for something a little more... risque? But yes, what you said is definitely how the speaker feels. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Writing about audacious subjects such as this can often times be difficult, as your goal is to produce sufficient "arriesgado," or boldness without being overly descriptive. I think you did a good job of mixing provocative, physical imagery with language of a higher moral standard.

  4. thanks! it was definitely new for me, haha, so thanks for the compliment!

  5. "language of a higher moral standard"
    I do not know this Awen individual, but they are exactly right. You don't have to be vulgar to convey sexuality. I think you could be a little more risque if you wanted, but this is elegantly subtle as is.

    -Sarah R
