Sunday, September 6, 2009

Little One

To a beautiful, precious, unborn child, from the bottom of my heart,
We will not meet for many more years, but I feel as though you are already part of my soul. I think about you often and pray for you everyday, in hopes that you may have a wonderful, blessed life.
When I see children playing outside, or hear a baby crying during Sunday mass, I wonder what you will look like, what you will like to do, what your voice will sound like, what your name will be, and I think about how incredibly excited I am to meet you, little one. I do not know you yet, but I know that you are mine and that you are waiting to come to me.
I hope that you always know that you are loved… by me, by your family, and most of all, by your creator. I hope you will grow to know God’s love and to feel Him in everything you do. I hope your faith will always give you everything you need.
I hope that you will be happy. I hope that waking up every morning will excite and thrill you, thinking of the wonderful things to come in your life- and there will be many.
I hope that you will learn. I hope that you will have an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and will use your intelligent, wonderful mind as much as you possibly can.
And I hope that, like every child should be, you will be silly! I hope that you will run through the sprinklers on hot summer days. I hope that you will catch snowflakes on your tongue during the winter. I hope that you will laugh until you cry more often that not. I hope that you play in the mud and cover yourself in the icky, brown gunk that is every child’s dream after a long springtime rain. I hope that you will jump in puddles, climb trees, learn to swim and ride a bike. I hope that you have bubble-gum blowing contests. I hope that you will get to eat a hot, gooey chocolate chip cookie, right from the oven. I hope that you will feel a puppy dog’s kiss and hear a kitten’s purr. I hope that you tell silly stories and dress up in funny clothes, put on puppet shows in the living room and play make believe. I hope that your imagination runs wild, baby child. Don’t ever stop dreaming. I hope that you will feel the scratchy whiskers on your grandpa’s face as he tickles you with them when he kisses you. I hope you will know the soft, warm feel of your grandma’s magic hugs. They can cure anything. I hope that you will meet and know and love the many people who have shaped me into the person I have become.
I hope that you will be passionate. Find that thing you love to do, whether you are good at it or not, and never stop doing it. Be passionate about life. Try as many things as you can. Never have regrets.
Please, little one, know how much you are wanted in this world. You are God’s precious gift, His child. Never doubt your purpose or your significance. Know that I love you and will always love you and love you now, while you are still in Heaven, waiting. Know that when I am angry or disappointed, that you are still a wonderful human being and that I only want what’s best for you. Know that I am human too and make mistakes, but that I will try to always do what is best for you. Be true to yourself and always do what is good and what makes you happy. The best thing you can ever be is yourself, just the way you are.
My love, my life, sweet baby mine, welcome to the world.

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